Unlock insights faster with K2G's Large Language Cleaning

Empower data scientists & actuaries to accelerate their insights. With K2G's Large Language Cleaning, transform weeks of data cleaning into a matter of days, enabling faster analyses and decision-making.


Data cleaning with LLC

Large Language Cleaning (LLC) is a secure tool tailored to tackle 'dirty' data challenges. Remove seamlessly correct, incorrect, damaged or duplicate information from your dataset, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

Step 1

Streamlined data handling

Simplify and automate data processing with LLC's no-code solution. Empower users of all skill levels to handle data without programming expertise, reducing manual effort and enabling quicker insights.

Step 2

Intuitive interface for seamless operation

Utilize LLC's intuitive interface, featuring an ask-and-reply mode built upon the Large Language Model (LLM). This user-friendly design ensures accessibility for all users, making data cleaning as simple as interacting with familiar tools like ChatGPT.


Maximize your data cleansing

Effortless data analysis with reports

Gain insights quickly through comprehensive data analysis reports, facilitating informed decision-making and strategy development.

Comprehensive Data Correction

Address various data inconsistencies, from incorrect formatting to duplicates, ensuring standardized and reliable data for analysis.

Seamless Data Integration

Combine data from multiple sources effortlessly, enhancing the depth and breadth of your analysis.

Structured Data Management

Transform unstructured data into actionable insights by standardizing information such as vehicle names, addresses, and more.

Customized Data Presentation

Present your data processing results in the desired format, ensuring compatibility and clarity for stakeholders.

Discover Insights Amidst Chaos

Explore the hidden potential within your data, uncovering valuable insights through LLC's efficient data cleaning process."

Experience the Power of LLC

Ready to revolutionize your data cleaning process? Request a demo today to discover how LLC can streamline your data handling, unlocking faster insights and smarter decisions.

Let's Talk!

Discover our approach for building advanced, high-performance models.


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Michael Bachl

Director Market Relations

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Jon Kirk

VP Business Development UK

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Aline Schillig

Senior Actuaril Advisor

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Michael Bachl

Director Market Relations

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Michael Bachl

Director Market Relations

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Olena Horshkova

Senior Expert Actuary and Underwriter

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Michael Bachl

Director Market Relations

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