Proven AI models to grow the Insurance Business

Implemented across 19 countries with sustainable results

Trusted partner for insurance companies around the world:

Insurer models enhanced with our AI lead to exceptional outcomes

Up to 6% decrease in Loss Ratio and 9% decrease in Claim Frequency.


Loss Ratio


Claim Frequency

First step of your success: enriching your data with 800+ alternative parameters

Discover the next steps for building advanced, high-performance models.


Our AI models are used worldwide


Average ROI
to Customers


Countries deployed


Winner of
Global Awards 



Years in the

30,000,000+ policies analyzed

Leading European AI motor insurance


Data Science
Teams with 20% PhDs

AI tools for actuaries to adjust existing Risk Models by finding hidden patterns

Working closely with pricing teams to optimize pricing and adjust risk predictions

Discover more

sales and marketing dynamics

Gain Instant LTV-predictions and streamline lead qualification processes for unparalleled success

Discover more
Our AI-Driven Risk

Breaking New Ground:
our AI-driven risk prediction expands into Estonia!

Go-live with our first Estonian client within 3 months,
are you ready to be the next one?

K2G Mash Image

What our clients say about us

Join our esteemed clientele and experience what technology can do for you

The figures from K2G convinced us in the proof of concept and we therefore decided to use AI technology in our pricing to be able to make the best offer to the best customers

Dr. Michael Ammann

Chief Underwriting Officer


In collaboration with K2G, Balcia's got data-driven insurance that's all about you. More than 800 factors, from crash tests to local traffic, are considered for a smarter approach.

Jānis Lucaus

Chairman Of The Board at Balcia Insurance SE


At K2G, we're dedicated to making insurance more accessible, transparent, and customer-centric. This expansion into Azerbaijan aligns perfectly with our vision, and we're excited to embark on this journey with Qala Insurance.


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Michael Bachl

Director Market Relations

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Jon Kirk

VP Business Development UK

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Aline Schillig

Senior Actuarial Advisor

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Michael Bachl

Director Market Relations

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Olena Horshkova

Senior Expert Actuary and Underwriter

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Michael Bachl

Director Market Relations

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